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Human Beatbox singing a new definition
Having to decide where to start with the first article I have to admit that I had no doubts.
Since we talk about Human Beatbox singing the question I asked myself was: who is the artist who first comes to mind?
Who can we inspire us when we think about how a Human Beatbox Singer could be?
Who represents this new definition in full?
I don't like to make rankings and I am always a little reluctant to all that is competition in the artistic/musical world, but in this case I had to make an inevitable exception because the answer emerged uncontrollably in the hamlet of a thousandth of a second: the king Pop Michael Jackson!
Indeed, who better than him can represent the perfect combination of cantata and rhythmic voice? Obviously I accept your counter -proposal with curiosity.
His way of singing so tight and enriched with those glottid shots, which represent a peculiarity, is not a perfect balance and dialogue between singing and rhythm?
In addition, as many will know, Michael Jackson was also a not bad Beatboxer and I think this may have contributed to the formation of his unmistakable way of singing.
There is also another feature that falls perfectly in the speech of how the rhythmic voice can favor the creative process that I mentioned last time, I am referring to how he used beatbox and his voice to create and make musicians listen to listening And to the manufacturer the rhythmic patterns and harmonizations of some songs, then become some of his great successes: in the next video it is possible to listen to one of these recordings of "Beat It".
Being able to mentally process a rhythmic pattern and be able to reproduce it with the voice can be one of the many starting points for the creation of our new song.
Of course, technology now allows us to have rhythmic patterns of all kinds championships and ready for use, but you want to put the taste of being able to create precisely that pattern that blends you for your head in a few seconds, wherever you are, without needing electric current, software, PC or smartphone?
Read also the article: Dave Crowe and the Heymoonshaker: Beatbox Blues