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The ingredients of my path as a speech therapist
I participate in a conference and I listen to a young phoniatrician who speaks of a voice combining science and emotion together.
Seeing reconciled in the words of that doctor the love for art and science make a unit that I was not even aware of.
That desire for synthesis and wholeness that in 1969 had made me discover and choose a profession capable of combining science, emotion and communication together and therefore deciding that I would be a speech therapist, now I opened new horizons and occasions in which I could reconcile art and science reconcile dealing with voice.
Suddenly as in a revelation, my studies, my speech therapist experiences and my life as a child who grew up in a family in which the two craftsmen worked listening to one the work and the other the jazz , meet and yes they unite. The being in fact forced to listen in silence, while I was fascinated by the safe movements of their hands together with the obligation to study piano sets me to make me a young lady, combined with curiosity and my love for science, suddenly become the ingredients of what I was and are. Since then my interest and my speech therapist studies who already had 24 years of road behind them have been mainly dedicated to the voice.
What are the important "elements" to meet our masters?
In every path of professional growth, desire and will serve but also the luck of meeting great masters from which to learn and make their own philosophies, knowledge and suggestions. I was lucky and I met many and whether they were colleagues, doctors or artists, by everyone I greedy sucking and I believe at least in part, managing to bridge each other and the people I welcomed in my study.
After so many years of work it would be long to make a list of the people from whom I learned but I feel like thanking particularly three masters who for my training are and have been fundamental and from which, precisely for them diversity, I had opportunities to compare and Compare me; Franco Fussi , the young doctor known in Bolzano, that of the "revelation" from which everything started and with whom I then have shared, Silvia Magnani who has always been with her penalty and welcome I educated me to listen and pushed to Trying to know by contributing a lot to my passion for relationships between posture and voice and Alfonso Borragan Torre who with his courage and daring has supported me to always experiment with respect for the person and scientific knowledge.
Knowledge, rigor, listening ability, respect for the ceiling of the person and courage to be able to dare and to admit their limits, these are the basic points that I try to transmit to the young colleagues who wish to deal with voice.
This succession of stages and meetings would have remained personal baggage if I had not had other fundamental masters and often unaware of having that role, the people who attended my study. Whether they were career artists and amateurs, patients or people pushed by the desire to know, I learned from them what it is allied in the therapeutic path and have a common condition necessary to be able to get out of the judgment and the belief of being indispensable and unique .
The meetings mark and outline a path especially that of a speech therapist
The first soprano that I followed and that brought me a book or the theory and vocal technique every time because he was pleased to share his knowledge with me, the girl who sang in the choir of the University and attending Engineering had unknowingly lowered his own Fundamental frequency to be more listened to by the colleagues men, the young professor who suddenly found himself unfounded begins with me a path that then turns out to be not decisive and with whom I share the search for different aid, these are some of my meetings.
Always, every person who has entered and enters my study with an indication of work on the voice has created and creates in me a state of excitement made of curiosity and at the same time fear as when you are faced with a precious object.
Sharing voices is to share people and situations in continuous and vital dynamism.
This is to date my lucky story of speech therapist and my testimony.