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The power of the relationship in singing in circle
The historical and cultural meaning of the circle, the power of the relationship in singing in a circle, singing in a circle as a tool for recovery and well -being. These are just some of the topics that we will explore together on Siing Network. We will discover how this millennial practice of sharing and expression through singing in circle has deep roots in the history and culture of different communities. We will also explore how the rim song can be a powerful tool to create connection and healing, not only on an individual but also collective level. Prepare to immerse yourself on a journey that will try to make you understand the beauty of this practice.
The circle is an ancient and universal symbol, present in many cultures and traditions. In Celtic culture, for example, the circle represented infinite and eternity, while for the ancient Greeks it was the symbol of perfection and harmony. The circle is often associated with the community and sharing, since it represents the equality between the participants who have circularly, without hierarchies or divisions. In the context of singing in circle, the circle becomes a place of meeting and connection between people, an opportunity to celebrate life through music and voice and singing. Singing together in circle allows to rediscover the profound meaning of this millennial symbol and to create a strong bond among the participants.
In this introductory video I describe according to my opinion a way of living the song in the circle half as mentioned of great power.
Good vision
Read also the article: what is SIING Song