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But what is inner silence
In the previous article talking about the song of the shaman , I said that the voice and singing are the protagonists in the practice of shamanism.
However, I discovered that the Indian shaman, even before using the voice, goes in search of inner silence.
According to a definition common to different divinatory practices, the inner silence is that "altered state of consciousness"* where the whirlwind of the mind is quiet.
Where all thoughts stop and create an uncontaminated space.
The optimal condition for having the "clear vision". An amplified extrasensory perception in which the images that the universe sends.
However, there is an effective way to contact inner silence.
The Indians of America - called "natives" - have developed a particular technique to contact inner silence.
Essential condition when the shaman wants to connect with the cosmic forces of the universe and channel its messages.
According to tradition, an effective stratagem to reach the inner silence is to use the sound of the drum.
The first time I read this sentence I asked myself: how can a tool like the drum lead to inner silence.
In the culture of Indian shamanism, the drum has a very important function. Its circular shape represents the connection with the universe and for this reason it is considered a magical tool.
Playing the drum with a monotonous and continuous beat slows down the celebraral activity.
The beats of the instrument align with the rhythm of the breath of the shaman that slows down, until he enters the altered state of consciousness.
A cathartic state where the two hemispheres work together, favoring the "channeling" of the information.
In that particular condition, the shaman "sees" and contact his animal totem: the symbolic representation of a real animal that has a mystical and supernatural value .
The totem animal is the guiding spirit that accompanies the shaman during the "travel" .
And he grants the shaman to take on its appearance, so that he can use his resources for the benefit of humanity.
... every human being is linked to 9 totem animals , which vary according to the personality and characteristics of the individual.
A curiosity: according to the ancient Shamans of Mexico, everything that lives in the universe is twofold. In other words, everything has a double twin.
The human being also has a "heteric double". An energy body next to the physical body.
Becoming aware of the existence of one's double and bringing it closer to the physical body creates a sense of infinite well -being.
It is the well -being we met when we were born. When we were one with our double, which we seek incessantly throughout our life.
Carlos Castaneda, Peruvian writer and anthropologist, trained by the shaman Don Juan Matus, in the book "The power of silence" writes that:
“Seeing the spirit is possible only in the depth of silence. Where you can hear what the space has, that goes beyond what the conscious mind can perceive ".
In fact, Castaneda saw that, during the night dream, people assumed particular positions and movements, such as to procure a state of well -being visible on their faces. These positions were called: "magical steps".
The students of Castaneda found - with a certain amazement - that the same well -being could be recreated in the waking state, repeating the same positions.
And when he decided to spread the "magical steps", to facilitate their assimilation he transformed them into cadenced body movements. Very similar to dance steps.
So as to perceive one's energy strength on the physical and thin level.
The practice took the name of Tensegry.
Tensegryty is the art of adapting to one's energy and energy of others.
To contribute to the integrity of the community that we are. As individuals and as conscious beings. In full possession of our faculties. Aware that everyone is a small card of that great puzzle that is existence.
I too, like you, are immersed in mere daily. Which sometimes flows serene as a source a mountain, other times it requires sudden changes of course that so much resemble the labyrinth of with the Cnosso.
So the habit of practicing the inner silence has become a daily experience.
There you come into contact with pure energy, because there is no space and time but only the infinite.
A sacred space in which to find contact with oneself.
Where anxieties dissolve and the weight of the viaticum is lightened.
And immediately after, reality is observed with that calibrated detachment that makes the difference.