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For the holistic voice I mean the set of disciplines, methods and practices that use the voice and singing for the purposes of personal growth.
To understand what personal growth means, we start from listing the purposes for which practices are not proposed. Holistic vocal practices are not proposed for technical, performative or repertoire purposes.
This is underlined by many conductors. This non-pin is actually an entrance door for all those who have heard that they are out of tune, who are not good, who do not have the singer's talent. This non-pin creates the conditions for a climate of real non-judgment, of total reception.
Holistic practices are proposed in order to experience the experience of making voice together, vibrating together. To encourage vibrating many operators together, including me, they use the unprocessed item at the beginning, seasoning it with breathing and movement exercises. Intonating the voice would be an emotion too large to manage for someone. Then when we move on to singing this remains simple, often improvised, always for the same reasons. Part of the attention must be dedicated to the body, breath, to feeling while vibrating. All this promotes precisely the experience of vibrating together.
The importance of the word presence in singing and in the holistic voice
Let's go on in the essential description of the practices by introducing the concept of presence. It is possible to move the body thinking about something else, or it is possible that mental attention goes to the urged body. Moving the body and mentally being in that action generates effects that are consisting of the state of consciousness. The state of consciousness changes: from mental swing we go towards the quiet. Effects that are even more powerful if all participants do the same thing: that is, everyone moves the body in the same way and everyone with attention are there, in the body. This is what happens in Yoga, where the space is curated and the scales of the practices is treated so that everyone can participate in the common experience of being there, all together, present in the action.
At this point we can introduce another concept used in the holistic world which is that of a morphogenetic field. The whole intention creates a field - an immaterial entity - which affects the whole itself, promoting the intentions. Therefore, the intensity of the presence is a consequence of a common intent, a well -kept space and a morphogenetic field that acts. This also happens in vocal holistic practices. The holistic voice in the care of space and in promoting common intent by dosing experiences is similar to yoga practices. It is no coincidence that someone commonly intended to define the practice of yoga made with the voice, or that the yoga of sound (or Nada Yoga) exists. We can therefore summarize holistic voice as "use of voice and singing to cultivate the intensity of the presence". The presence that leads to giving greater value also to silence. It is very important to underline this. Being present at the voice and sound makes silence appreciate more. The attitude of mental silence is the basis of meditative practices.
Holistic singing enriches us
Let's go on in the phenomenological description of practices. If the intensity of the presence is also cultivated in the relationship, if we make a voice together, looking at each other, interacting, if we vibrate together in the non -judgment, therefore in the opening, another phenomenon takes place, which is that of enrichment on the human level. The experience of vibrating together does not end there. We bring home a sort of vibration that still exists, which still acts, is not just a memory. We feel in a revived vital flow. We feel richer. The phenomenon of human enrichment that occurs in the holistic item brings the voice closer to tantra, where for Tantra- translatable as a tool to expand (from the two Sanscritite Tan roots and between)- we mean a philosophy that collects indications and experiences regarding the 'expansion of consciousness. Tantra as a vibration training together, aging of feeling, expansion of the heart as an organ of feeling. There is a common misunderstanding on the meaning of Tantra . Misunderstanding that arises from the identification of tantra with sexual practices. This is not the case. The enhancement of sexual intimacy is in the philosophy of tantra, but as a consequence of a refined sensitivity and a consciousness that leads to choose when to enter intimacy and with whom. In addition, the awareness of feeling leads to deepen the experience of intimacy with the same partner. This must be said in particular to those who assimilate the tantra to being libertine. So we came to understand the expression
Use of the holistic voice and singing to vibrate together, to cultivate the presence and to ensure that the experience becomes an expansion of consciousness, an enrichment on the human level.
This is meant by personal growth when it comes to the purpose related to holistic vocal practices. In this first article I introduced concepts as presence, state of consciousness, morphegenetic field. I talked about yoga, tantra. I talked about it because I consider these concepts behind the vocal holistic practices and such disciplines as strictly related (we could speak of yoga with the voice, and we did it, but also of tantra with the voice).
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