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In this article I will tell you about the books presented during the webinar "The teaching of singing 2.0".
If you are a singing teacher who wants to learn new skills concerning the teaching of singing, you cannot miss this selection of texts that will surely offer you interesting ideas and new teaching approaches. Let's find out what these books are and because they are so useful for the formation of the modern singer.
Tao te ching. The book of the street and virtue
Lao Tzu 's Tao Te Ching is one of the most translated, more read and most surprising books in the world. The ancient Chinese culture has concentrated, in the least possible space, the most complete "guide" to reach the understanding of the world and to guide their actions. In short and illuminating maxims, using the strength of the paradox, this work as simple as it is deep illustrates the sequence with which from a mysterious and indefinable Tao originated all the things in the world and, among these, man. According to some, it is one of the wisest texts ever written and one of the greatest gifts ever made to humanity; In the few but very intense pages that make it up, it is possible to find an answer to every problem of life, a solution to every situation, a conditioner for every wound.
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The volume was born from the experience of the general teaching courses in the context of university training courses of the teachers of the first and second school cycle. The first part (teaching today: keywords) deepens some essential concepts relating to didactic knowledge, on the basis of dialectical interaction between research and action and mutual connections between the design moment, the didactic event and the evaluation moment. The second part (teaching tomorrow: working for skills), develops the basic elements of a training approach for skills in terms of learning, teaching, evaluation, curriculum. The third party (teaching in action: case studies) critically presents a large number of didactic methodologies starting from the documentation of concrete experiences. The fourth part (live teaching: voices of the protagonists) collects a set of anthological songs connected to the themes addressed in the first and second part.
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What to do to improve the quality of teaching in class? How is the behavior of an "expert" teacher from that of a teacher who simply "experience"? The volume, in addition to the theoretical references, is accompanied by cases, exercises and in -depth cards; It is aimed at all those who are interested in comparing the current educational practices on "class in class" with the most accredited references of recent international comparisons.
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What methodological and operational tools can education make use of teaching intervention to make it today? The volume, starting from the developments that the research on evidence -based education has carried out in recent decades, makes available to teachers and trainers a systematic review of educational strategies capable of involving, challenging and triggering the active commitment of students. The educational strategies, or the basic models to refer to to structure interventions capable of achieving the expected training objectives, are presented with a clear language full of example. The text outlines, for each strategy, characteristics, theoretical references and methods of use, examining, in light of recent acquisitions, reliability in the various areas of application to allow careful and informed use.
[Button Color = "Purple" size = "Small" Link = " Bonaiuti/dp/8874667027?__it_it=%C3%85M%C3%85%C5% BD%C3%95%C3%91 & Crid = 26wa4d2ut4b1e & Keywords = Giovanni+Bonaiuti & Qid = 1685736120 & waste = Giovanni+Bonaiuti%2Caps%2C81 & SR = 8-1 522A60289 & Language = it_it & ref_ = as_li_ss_tl "icon =" "target =" false "Center =" False "Nofollow =" False "Sponsored =" False "] Buy the book [/Button]
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