Voice and emotions: from the point of view of the experimenter ...
Today I will tell you a story that tells the encounter between the voice and our emotions ... I have a daughter of three ...
Musical entry: a complex phenomenon between neuroscience and musicology
The musical entry is a fascinating phenomenon that describes the synchronization between rhythmic systems, in particular between music and ...
The sense of the voice
Article written by Marina Tripodi for Singing Magazine Volume 1 we have ever wondered why listening to the voice we try ...
The value of attention divided into your singing path
In the world of singing, understanding the importance of divided attention, that is, the ability to pay attention to more things at the same time was ...
The power of breath in singing
Beyond a purely technical vision of breath in singing, every singer knows the technical importance of breathing. But the breath has ...
How do you age our voice and our song?
How do you age our voice and our song? There are artists whose item ages early and others who see ...
Taking charge of the performer
In order to respond and write this article, first of all you have to clarify who the performer is and what is asked of him. Let's proceed ...
The speech therapist who has been able to combine art and science in his path
The ingredients of my journey as a speech therapist I participate in a conference and listen to a young phoniatra that talks about voice ...
Speech therapy, language and singing: close encounters
I wait for a new patient, impatient to talk to me about his vocal effort. A smiling boy enters and as I look at his ...