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Digital audio-video recorder, a solution to grow in teaching and beyond
In addition to listening carefully our voice through any audio recordings, it is equally important to observe our movements and our body during a performance or during our lessons.
An approach that I found particularly useful for understanding my vices and transforming them is to record videos during my concert or while studying.
Compact recorders who incorporate audio and video together are small high definition cameras that offer great practicality compared to other equipment such as video cameras, reflex, mirrorless etc.
Their size allows you to position them in a discreet way and capture every detail of our song without being intrusive.
In addition to audio, videos can therefore provide a unique opportunity for us singing teachers because they allow us to analyze our way of singing, identifying any technical errors and suggesting improvements.
In addition, this tool also highly recommend to singing students, because they can use videos as a self -assessment and growth tool.
The possibility of observing our body and our movements during singing can prove to be very useful to better understand the vocal technique and improve the emission of sound. For example, we could see in a clear and objective way that we tend to lift our shoulders or to tighten the jaw when we sing, thus allowing us to correct these habits and obtain a freer voice.
In conclusion, the use of videos in singing teaching can be a precious tool for teaching teachers and pupils. It offers us the opportunity to observe and analyze our execution, identify errors and improve our vocal technique.
Whether it's a concert, lesson or study session, videos can help us reach our full potential as singers.
Below I leave you the link to my compact audio-video recorder that I often use both in singing lessons and in my concerts.
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