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In this book there is a collection of exercises that represents the synthesis of a whole year of training for the students of the Floorbarreforsingers Method of the Singing School FBFS profession singer, led by the vocal coach Deborah Bontempi.
It is a very practical text that offers a series of useful handouts. More than a manual, it can be considered a precious instruction book for a practical application and a testimony of the experiences shared in the singing class of Deborah Bontempi itself.
The method adopted by the Singing School Fbfs Profession singer is the result of the idea of Deborah Bontempi, who has expertly integrated specific exercises for singers with the techniques of the bar on the ground, the principles of classical dance and Pilates, Feldenkrais and Yoga methods, applied to Chakra points. Thanks to his experience both as an artist and as a singing teacher, Deborah Bontempi has noticed how much incorrect body attitudes, now rooted in the habit, can compromise the singer's good yield in terms of vocal energy. Thus was born the intuition of combining vocality with the bar on the ground, obtaining extraordinary results in improving vocal performance through the activation and implementation of the chakra points and the emotional shields of Reich.
The Floorbarreforsingers method also focuses on the harmonization of the interaction between the body of the singer and the surrounding space, as well as responding to different forms of stimuli, both external and internal, such as movement needs or emotional activation. The goal is to gradually increase body awareness, through a path aimed at research and consolidation of vocal registers.
This text collects a part of the method or the one that focuses on a collection of exercises inspired by choreographic composition techniques, improvisation methods taken from contemporary dance and disciplines such as the analysis of the R.Laban movement, together with all the others Disciplines that deal with the analysis of the movement in space such as the mapping of the stage dictated by the dancer Vaganova Grippina.
The exercises designed are useful to all types of performers therefore not only singers but also dancers, actors and those who make their own tool (coach-teacher).
In conclusion, the Book of Exercises of the FBFS Method (Floorbarreforsingers) which gives the name to the FBFS school profession of singer of D. Bontempi, represents an important resource for all those who wish to deepen the art of singing and performance.
Thanks to the precious dispense offered by the teacher Deborah Bontempi, this text allows you to develop your talent and improve your technique and expressive capacity. It is, therefore, an indispensable tool for all those who want to reach excellence in the field of singing and performance.
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© 2025 SIING - All Rights Reserve | Alberto Quarello Pi 0330987004