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Author: by
Publisher: Preziosa note (2020)
Language: Italian
Flexible Cover: 264 Pages
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Lucina Lanzara with her book "Your free singing", she manages to transport you to the world of a song where mind and heart find harmony and freedom
Today I would like to offer you the exclusive interview for Sing in Lucina Lanzara, a teacher of singing and emotions. For this occasion, the questions asked to Lucina will allow you to fully understand the book written in 2020 for the Precious Note Publishing House. A book that tells a liberating song, a song that allows you to coexist with our mind and with our heart, helping us to build dowels of emotional life day after day.
The emotions, breath and listening related to singing are the cornerstones of the research of Lucina, who in addition to being a singing teacher, lives immersed in a continuous search fueled by contamination such as the Drum Circle according to the Arthur Hull method ,
I leave you to the vision of the interview and as always I remind you that the best thing you can do to keep this portal alive and talk about it and share.
A hug
Albert Hera
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