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Free singing invites us to let us go, to free our inner voice and fully live every moment with joy and passion.
What is singing if not giving voice to one's soul. For any person who dedicates himself to this practice on a professional level or simply for herself, singing is to give voice to what you cannot describe with words. In a society that often force you to rewrite you, to renew and attack, the action of singing is an act of self -determination.
Even when you hum while you are doing more you self -determination: unconsciously the body vibrates the cleanest vibration, your sound, a real cellular massage. And the beauty is that everyone happens! Even to those people who "don't like" music or "don't like" singing and it doesn't matter what is singing, but at that moment magic takes place!
And why don't anyone like to sing? Because inevitably the act of singing connects the profound part and conditioning related to it.
On the one hand there is that wonderful boulder named Bel Canto , UNESCO heritage, genetic inheritance of every Italian, on the other our relationship with it, given by the idea of bad voice and beautiful voice , of outfit And the intonation or the ghost of the stick , in other words: the judgment of others, which is then we are.
In essence, a sort of succession of fibonacci that instead of showing the golden section of our voice, emphasizes a fractal of limiting thoughts.
Bel canto provides and refers to a type of vocality and connected studies, designed to improve its performance, but not to the beauty or ugliness of the item itself, since each item is beautiful, each item can sing, each item is the 'most authentic expression of the self, always.
The point is to be able to manage a certain type of emotions that manifest themselves in the act of singing.
We must not fear free singing, but embrace it as a challenge that pushes us to overcome our boundaries and grow as individuals.
So perhaps it is more indicated to talk about singing and emotion also for professionals, those who have understood that for them singing and making music is practical to live.
When an emotion intralcia instead of favoring; How many times do you feel that you have talent but to be too sensitive. So many times that you end up believing it.
It is as if it were a script that is triggered whenever you approach a shot of personal growth: "You have talent but ..."
Then an article to share my experience and for those like me who find themselves facing the usual circle of actions/reactions in the face of a change that involves a non -enjoyment full of their vocality.
For very long time and sometimes even today, my song, or my passion and my vocation, was hindered by a very strong and hindered emotional component.
More or less consciously I found myself following various courses of Mindfulness, NLP, with short incursions in the yoga that brought me on the one hand to get to know this component better and to call it script, script, and on the other to understand its origin and How to manage it.
Yes, management of emotion since it does not go away, you can control it or better to convey, but it is a part of the personality which, for experiences or by birth, has a component of emotional intelligence and very high and overwhelming empathy, overwhelming intelligence, So much to be tangled.
We must not fear free singing, but embrace it as a challenge that pushes us to overcome our boundaries and grow as individuals.
The script can be transformed. As? By welcoming all those that are the fears of failure linked to it and bringing them into singing and free vocalization.
Free vocalization: awaken at one song, simply intonate the first sound we emit with the breath and follow the flow. The quantity of melodic ideas that may arise from this practice is incredible. I call it free singing and can also be performed in chorus. Then even those who hum find themselves doing it without judgment or fear of having a bad voice and, without knowing it, is practicing free singing and cellular massage.
Many years ago I collaborated with a Choir of Vicenza. In February '92, I would have graduated in lyrical singing shortly thereafter, we were contacted to perform the Sacred Concert of Duke Ellington in Italian, for alone, choir and jazz orchestra directed by his son Mercer Ellington. It was a great, unforgettable experience.
Just before the concert began, I was proposed to sing a song in suns, with an improvised open. I, very young, found myself in front of the crowded church, the Rai cameras and above all in front of those fantastic musicians and singers to intone my song with their legs trembling me.
I closed my eyes and intoned him. I let myself go to the free vocalization, bringing my fears in my song. I still remember that moment like La La for my future life as a singer who made me choose to specialize in improvised music and jazz.
In front of world -renowned musicians and singers I could not get off from that stage and make myself overwhelmed by the fears of the insufficient but I took them with me, I made them sing with me and the result was of total fusion of that moment with the music; I remember only that and the congratulations of Mercer.
After many concerts, many years of teaching in seminars and music schools, still emotionality is a precious partner and the experience of the transformation of the script allows me to have greater attention and a particular care for my students.
Another means to cushion the inhibitory aspects of emotion is the choir. Singing in a choir is among the most rewarding experiences that a human being can take to do. The choir is the living instrument par excellence, composed of voices that find themselves singing their melodic lines by weaving them. The choir is the possibility for the musician to physically live harmony.
There is no other way. Harmony is studied and learned, you experience through the instrument and improvisation, but to live the effect of multi-mono physically, entirely within itself making it part, it is only through choral experience.
Many treaties were also written about neuroscience on the benefits of singing together but cannot completely describe that sense of union that is felt in giving your voice to the cybernetic set of parts that is the choir and is an experience to be shared and suggest to everyone. In the choir you learn, give your voice and you receive that of the whole, gives intoxication, joy and peace.
Song and emotions are therefore inextricably linked: as in Tao the Yin and Yang merge and interpenetrate creating everything, so the voice is the manifestation of emotions, a "way" from which everything originates. It is therefore essential to contemplate the emotional aspect of the act of singing and transform scripts that can hinder our free expression. Free singing and choral experience thus become powerful tools to overcome our fears and fully enjoy the beauty and authenticity of our voice.
Read also the article: the power of breath in singing